Solar Station Flosol B HE c/w SLL controller (inc Exp Vessel Conn)

This solar pump station contains all of the most important control and hydraulic components required to install a solar heating system in one neat package. It is a twin-line pump station fitted with high-efficiency pump and 3 Pt1000 sensors.
- Integrated DeltaSol® SLL controller
- Stylish insulated casing
- Integrated standard pump
- Fill and drain valves
- Safety assembly with connection for the diaphragm-type expansion vessel, safety valve and pressure gauge.
- Air separator with manual air vent for the solar thermal system
- Circulation pump: Wilo Yonos Para 15/7.0 PWM2
- Safety valve: 6 bar
- Pressure gauge: 0 ... 10 bar
- Flowmeter: 1 ... 13 l/min
- Wall mounting bracket with mounting accessories
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Sales Leaflet
Technical Information (Solar Station)
Technical Information (Controller)
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