Ember controls pack (with App)

The EMBER control packs from EPH Controls offer an excellent solution for controlling multiple zones in a home, with the benefit of access via the Ember App from any tablet or smartphone.
The packs consist of:
- A timeswitch or programmer capable of handling from 1 to 4 zones
- One or more RFR wireless room thermostats
- A RFC wireless cylinder stat (depends on pack)
- An ember wireless gateway
The programmer or timeswitch is easy to use, and features a backlit display with large buttons. They come with built in frost protection (must be enabled via a parameter) and support 24h, 5/2D or 7D operation with up to three ON periods per day. 1 hour, 2 hour or 3 hour boost is available at the push of a button, and an "Advance button" will start the next ON period immediately, and turn off at the scheduled time.
The RFR Room thermostat and RFC cylinder thermostats are easy to use and provide a visual temperature reading and information on current operating mode via an LCD display. The set point may be altered by turning a dial and boost mode may be activated directly from the thermostat.
The EMBER gateway allows your home heating to be controlled via the EMBER app. Once the app is installed on your phone, you can connect to the gateway and join it to your wireless network. Setup is quick and easy - and once complete allows access to all the functions of the programmer via the easy to use, intuitive EMBER app. Set time schedules, set temperatues, activate boost mode, holiday mode and more. The app may be shared between multiple users, allowing multiple family members to have remote access.
1 Zone Timeswitch Datasheet 2 Zone Programmer Datasheet 3 Zone Programmer Datasheet 4 Zone Programmer Datasheet RFR and RFC Thermostats Datasheet Ember Gateway DatasheetPlease note that products may differ slightly from the images shown.