RVR Energy Technology commissioned four no. Thermocold MEX VSX Heat Pumps at Bethany House Nursing Home in co. Westmeath towards the end of 2021.
A large extension was built with 31 new bedrooms and a basement incorporating stores, laundry, toilets, and plant area.
It was crucial to maintain a comfortable temperature for the residents year-round. Running costs are a substantial part of the nursing home's operating costs, so it was essential to minimise these - and in a manner compatible with the latest building regulations.
The newly installed MEX VSX heat pumps have a total capacity of 63kW. 55°C Ecodesign data is available - this makes them suitable for use in medium-temperature applications where compliance with the building regulations must be demonstrated.
The heat pumps are capable of supplying 60°C flow temperatures down to -7°C outside. This makes the MEX VSX a good solution for almost any Irish application, where the typical design temperature is -3°C and temperatures lower than -7° C are rare.
The extension at Bethany House operates at low temperature using underfloor heating. Weather compensation was activated, which reduces the flow temperature during milder weather to maximise COP and minimise running costs. The Thermocold Remote/Cascade controller manages operation.
Further information is in the case study below.
Download case study - Bethany House Nursing Home
More information
Thermocold is a leading European manufacturer of chillers and heat pumps. They were founded in 1995 and have their headquarters in Bari, Italy. Thermocold is a subsidiary of Trane Technologies (formerly Ingersoll Rand Climate Division).
Thermocold provide a wide range of commercial heat pumps ranging from smaller capacities to very large models. Four pipe and Six pipe options are also available, as well as a complete range of chillers. Follow the link below to learn more.